Used for vendor presentation on how to create embroidery in 3D. Both Substance 3D Assets and scanned xTex materials were used to put together these embroidery materials.

Set up an avatar in CLO using my real-life measurements, added running pose, added image of Central Park as background, t-shirt is a difficult pattern scanned by using the stitching algorithm on xTex scanner to create t-shirt texture. Lighting and rendering done within CLO.
Two fabrics scanned in u3m (PBR) in the xTex scanner, the mesh fabric scanned in u3m with the alpha map to capture the transparency of the material. Blanket on couch was created using Image to Material function on Substance Sampler then brought into Substance Stager for staging/rendering. The rest of the materials were created by taking a photo of a t-shirt then brought in Substance Sampler using Image to Material with Pattern Generation.
Physical metals shown how they were transformed into 3D assets. Metals were created from material scans in xTex and the others were created in Substance Sampler and the final metal in Substance Designer. The final metals were created in Substance Designer and Sampler, brought into Substance Stager and rendered out then brought into Adobe Photoshop for final touches.
3D Material - other
Bamboo weave that was created using nodes within Substance Designer. From Designer it was exported into Substance Stager and rendered on a cylinder model.
Substance 3D Assets material application in Substance Stager. Multiple materials used for the scenes: metals, glass, plastics, paper, leathers, denim, wool. Coloring of multiple textures. PNG application to create logos on models. Lighting in Stager. Rendered in Stager.
Difficult material scanned in xTex scanner, draped on fabric drape testing cylinder. Stage created in CLO to showcase this beautiful fabric.